Vacation Bible School in Aiyura Valley, Papua New Guinea

Many adult and teen volunteers from our mission center joined hearts & hands with two national churches to hold a Holiday Bible School January 2-6, 2017.

Eli and I joined the team that headed out to the Lutheran Renewal Church in the village of Ba'e. Each day began with a short drive to the Ba'e River, where we would ford on foot and then take hike a short to the village church. As if often the case during rainy season, the river was too high and fast for crossing on three of the days. That circumstance required a bit of a longer drive around to cross and a bit of a longer hike. But, we really enjoyed getting to walk through some other villages that we haven't had the opportunity to visit yet.
Our team crossing the river

I tried to keep my skirt dry!
There were lots of muddy feet
The theme of the VBS was "Stand Strong Like Daniel". The children were encouraged from stories from the Book of Daniel to keep their lives clean, to become people of prayer, to humble themselves before the Lord, and to trust God in all circumstances.
The children who attended were very enthusiastic to hear the Bible stories, sing loudly, and play some wild games.

What a blast we had!! And what a privilege to bring the Word of God to these children and work alongside our national brothers and sisters!

LOTS of Muddy Feet
Me with the Grade 2-4 Blue Team

Eli in the front row

The Limbo

Children entering the Kingdom of God


  1. I'm sure you hear this all the time, but I LOVE reading all your stuff. I'm super grateful to be able to see a lot of your lives, especially being so far away. Love you guys so much; you are such great inspiration for Daniel and I. <3 We are praying for you!

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